After working with Kaylee, I felt like I was standing more firmly in my self-knowledge, and what I want and need.
~ Shari G.
Kaylee’s reminder that I’m in a very tender place, resolving significant pain and loss, proved useful in guiding me back to a more caring relationship with myself.
~ Gina O.
I started talking nebulously, and Kaylee stayed with me, honoring my process and paraphrasing back to me very well. Her words resonated deeply, and helped me know and see myself better.
~ Jenn B.
Kaylee helped me see my vulnerability as a strength. She normalized my experience, even the big wave of grief I was feeling.
~ Kristina W.
Kaylee was very empathetic and understanding, and offered great guidance and support. I wanted to skirt around the pain and not feel it. She helped me accept my feelings as valid, and as part of moving forward.
~ Cinci S.
Kaylee had great re-frames and suggestions. I felt she really understood my dilemma. Our meeting was super-helpful!
~ Brianna W.
Kaylee helped me to trust and honor my pacing around how and when to share a part of myself with my family.
~ Sue S.
I experienced absolute safety to explore and discuss my concerns. I was treated as an equal, not as “client.”
~ Wendy A.