Kaylee’s interest in LGBTQ+ Dating, Relationship & Life coaching began with pursuing an M.A. at Antioch University in Wholistic Health & Psychology (1993). She went on to receive a certificate in Conflict Resolution from Sonoma State University in 2005. Concurrently, she began teaching Non-violent Communication and Parent-Teen Communication in college and community settings.
Kaylee’s personal travails around finding lasting love motivated her to deepen and expand her LGBTQ+ psycho-social education. In 2015 she learned of the Conscious Girlfriend Academy (CGA) and participated in CGA’s Roadmap Course on conscious dating and relationship. Shortly thereafter she began a relationship with a wonderfully compatible life partner and now wife.
More recently, Kaylee completed CGA’s Coach Training program for lesbian, trans women, and non-binary folks. After her year of training in how being outside of hetero-normative culture impacts LGBTQ+ lives, she is ready to serve her community with empathy, skill and wisdom. In her coaching, Kaylee draws from systems that have worked for her: Nonviolent Communication, Internal Family Systems and Corelight Spiritual Warrior training. The sum of these approaches helps her support others to bring more honesty and compassion to relationships, including relationship with oneself.
Kaylee has a strong background in looking at relationships through the lens of astrology as well. She is enthusiastic about the insights astrology offers for our close relationships. Further, Kaylee is comfortable with the bigger questions in life. Without imposing her worldview, she is glad to support others in developing a stronger connection to their spirituality. She believes that by developing our ‘Rainbow Spirit’ we contribute to changing the world around us.
What is meant by ‘Rainbow Spirit’? The spirit of the rainbow honors diversity, and celebrates the light that shines through all of us.
Kaylee’s coaching has been humbly influenced by giving loving support to a struggling transgendered nephew. Her understanding of important issues faced by the trans community has grown through this life experience.
Kaylee looks forward to being your companion and guide to growth in all areas of dating, relationship and life.